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Association pour un Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Spectacle aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
(Villereau, France)



1412NLecomte EntreCoursEtJardinsDillusionsEntre cours et jardins d'illusion
Le ballet en Europe

Nathalie Lecomte
Prix 2015 de la Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle

Éd. Centre National de la Danse, Pantin, 2014
Collection « Histoires »
ISBN : 978-2-914124-51-5
Collection : Histoires Format : 14 x 20,5 - 480 p.
Environ 100 illustrations in-texte / noir
Tarif : 29,50 €
Mise en vente : décembre 2014

Ce livre invite à une immersion dans l’histoire du ballet en Occident. C’est dans le contexte de la Renaissance humaniste que le ballet émerge avant de se déployer et connaître son apogée au Grand Siècle, en France mais aussi, sous des aspects voisins, dans d’autres cours d’Europe. Au tournant du XVIIIe siècle, il se métamorphose, lorsque d’autres genres de spectacle dansé prennent le relais et que la cour n’en est plus le cadre privilégié. Il s’institutionnalise aussi, en particulier en France au sein de l’Académie royale de musique, l’ancêtre de l’Opéra de Paris.
Cette histoire dévoile également l’univers dans lequel les danses de spectacle naissent, évoluent et créent l’illusion. Incarnation des valeurs sociale et morales de son temps, le danseur est l’acteur d’un monde « en représentation », que ce soit dans le cadre des festivités de cour ou, ensuite dans celui du théâtre, institutionnel ou privé. Nourri par la circulation des hommes, des formes, des techniques et des styles, le ballet s’impose comme un phénomène européen majeur dans l’histoire culturelle, que Nathalie Lecomte envisage ici sous de nouvelles perspectives.
Historienne de la danse, Nathalie Lecomte a contribué au Dictionnaire de la danse (Larousse), à La Danse classique (Gallimard Jeunesse), ainsi qu’à L’Histoire de la danse : repères dans le cadre du diplôme d’État, Scènes de bal, bals en scène (parus aux éditions du CND). Elle est aussi membre fondateur de l’Association pour un Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Spectacle aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.

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Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca della Danza
(Rome, Italy)





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Accademia Nazionale di Danza
(Rom, Italien)



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Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Luisa D'Annunzio"
(Pescara, Italien)



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Accademia di Belle Arti di L'Aquila
(L'Aquila, Italien)




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Teatro della Memoria
(Rom, Italien)



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The Annual Oxford Dance Symposium
(New College, Oxford, Great Britain)


  macaroni dancing master kl18th Annual Oxford Dance Symposium
will take place in Oxford on
19 & 20 April 2016

Call for Papers
‘Teaching Dance’

The Oxford dance symposia as a whole focus on the technique, practice and philosophy of dance during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and we welcome papers on any aspect of dance during this period.

Each year, however, we have a light touch theme, which is central to the programme, to which participants are invited to respond if they wish. The theme for 2016 will be dance pedagogy in all its forms. Topics might include dancing masters, dancing lessons, treatises of all kinds, dancing apprenticeships, manuals for ballroom dancing, and the consideration of these issues in diaries, letters, novels, and other sources.

Those wishing to submit abstracts (of 200 words) should do so to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31 October 2015.

If you have any queries please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Derra de Moroda Dance Archives
(University of Salzburg, Austria)



Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society
(Great Britain)


  The Historical Dance and Music Summer School 2016
48th Annual Summer School

Dances from the 15th Century Courts of Europe

Sunday 7th August to Sunday 14th August 2016
Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 9PZ

Outside front wPlease download the brochure and booking form (pdf). On-line booking will be available shortly.

Further information:
More information is given on the FAQs page. You are welcome to contact the Summer School Administrator, Alison Ede, to discuss your needs on 01322 553094 or by email to

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European Association of Dance Historians
(Great Britain)



EADH Annual Conference, November 2015, Queen's University, Belfast

Choreographing Historical Works

o Matthew Spring, 'Beyond the choreography: social dance in context in Georgian Bath'
o Henrique Rochelle, 'Where are dances kept? The memory of bodily archives and dances as a museum artefact'
o Maria Salgado Llopis, 'Re-enacting Natural Movement: Wind Tossed (1936) and the Hyper-Historian'
o Matthew Werley, 'Greta Wiesenthal's "latent" choreographies and modernising contested spaces'
o Darren Royston and Penelope Boff, 'Realizing a 17th-century Spanish play: La Danza de los Siete Pecados'
o Uta Dorothea Sauer, 'The Revival of the ópera-ballet Les Quatre Saisons (Dresden, 1719) at the Festival "Dresden800" in 2006: performance practice and techniques of reconstruction'
o Lisa Fusillo, 'Tracing Massine's Sacre: Revival, Re-construction, or Re-interpretation?'
o Millicent Hodson (keynote speaker), 'Forensic Dancer'
o Mary Collins, 'Bach and beyond: dancing to the music of J.S. Bach'
o Edith Lalonger, 'Choreographing the ballets of J. Ph. Rameau'
o Ricardo Barros, 'Re-visiting and re-choreographing in Pécour's versions of the Sarabande d'Issé:'
o Round-table 'Re-imagining Sallé' - panellists: Sarah McCleave, Jane Gingell, Edith Lalonger, Catherine Turocy and Deda Cristina Colonna

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Early Dance Circle
(Great Britain)



Terpsichore and her Sisters:
the Relationships between Dance and other Arts

Friday 8th – Sun 10th April 2016

St Katherines Parmoor 300x203

St Katharine’s, Parmoor, Frieth RG9 6NN (near High Wycombe)

This conference will look at the links between dance and other arts and the ways in which these can reinforce, but also disrupt, accepted artistic norms. Papers, workshops and short performances are invited on topics connected with this theme.

For more details see the booking form.

Come and have a wonderful country house weekend!


Society of Dance History Scholars



Upcoming conference:

CORD + SDHS 2016
Pomona College · Claremont, CA November 3-6, 2016

Beyond Authenticity and Approbation:
Bodies, Authorship and Choreographies of Transmission

Call for Proposals

pomonaseaverIssues of authenticity and appropriation, although fraught, remain pertinent. For the 2016 joint conference, we call for papers and presentations which critically interrogate issues around the choreographies of tradition, innovation, and appropriation in dance. How do moving bodies counter, resist, support or negotiate ideologically constructed notions of these complex terms? How do authenticity and appropriation structure the legal, political, economic, aesthetic, and theoretical approximations of dance? Under what conditions does the transmission of movement between bodies become framed as ‘appropriation’; and what assertions of ownership, identity, or history underlie this framing? How is the transmission of movement between bodies, and across apparent boundaries, framed in terms of rights, property, propriety, or in some other manner?

Topics to consider:
The role of whiteness in the discourse on the ‘authentic’ and ‘appropriation’
Transcultural, transhistorical, and dialogic embodied exchanges
Historical and contemporary power relationships in dance
Copyright and property rights in dance
Heritage, tradition, and property in indigenous dance
The role of the archive in generating visibility and invisibility
The role of taxonomy, choreography, and codification in the generation of pedagogies of the ‘authentic’
Nation, modernity, and folklore in light of scholarship on migration and neo / decolonial and postcolonial theory

We encourage submissions of papers, panels, roundtable discussions, lecture-demonstrations, movement workshops, performative engagements, individual and collaborative presentations, or posters. We highly encourage fully formed panel and performance submissions.
The committee will also consider general submissions not directly aligned with the conference theme.
Submissions are due by February 1.

Debut Panel Submissions:
For the first time, graduate students and early career scholars who have not previously presented at CORD+SDHS have the option to apply for a Debut Panel that includes mentorship from a senior scholar. The scholar will mentor Debut Panel participants by reading papers in advance, providing feedback, and moderating the panel at the conference.
Panelists have fifteen minutes to present their papers (submissions should be approximately eight pages, double spaced), and there will be a maximum of four panelists per Debut Panel.
Interested applicants should indicate that they are applying for a Debut Panel on their conference proposal submission by February 1. Applicants will receive general conference acceptance notices in May. If applicants are accepted to the general conference, they must submit their conference paper for Debut Panel consideration by June 15. They will be notified if they are selected for a Debut Panel by August 1. Debut Panel Mentor Faculty will contact panelists by September 1 to coordinate feedback.
Applicants who are accepted for the conference but not chosen for a Debut Panel are still invited to present their research at the conference.