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Historical Dance Symposium
Burg Rothenfels am Main

Travel Information

By car: 

Address for satellite navigation: Bergrothenfelser Str. 71, D-97851 Rothenfels

anfahrt neu 01


By train:

Attention, in mid-December 2021 there will probably be a change in the timetable of the train and bus lines. The connections and departure times could then change.

The nearest station is Lohr am Main. From there there is a bus connection to Rothenfels. There are also buses coming from Würzburg to Rothenfels via Marktheidenfeld.

Bus stop: Bergrothenfels Ortsmitte, 5 minutes walk from the castle.
Bus stop: Kirche Rothenfels, 10 minutes walk from the castle (via the steps up to the castle).

You can select connections for train (and bus) on the homepage of the Deutsche Bahn and book the relevant tickets.

Please note the bad bus connection to Lohr am Main on the Sunday afternoon at the end of the conference. Our organisational team will schedule a bus (departure c. 13:30, arrival at Lohr: c. 14:10).


By plane:

The nearest airport is Frankfurt am Main (FRA). Other airports such as Nuremberg or Munich are less suitable. The low-price airport Frankfurt-Hahn has a very poor connection to the train system.

In Frankfurt there are numerous train connections to Lohr am Main (see above).
The total journey time from Frankfurt is 2 - 3 hours, depending on the bus connection from Lohr.