On the war in Ukraine
together with the management of Burg Rothenfels we, the scientific committee of the symposium, would like to explain here our position in the debate about Putin's invasion of Ukraine:
For more than two months war has been raging again in Europe. Every day we receive news and images of the horror of war, of terrible devastation and uncounted deaths. While the people in Ukraine are fighting for their lives, a great wave of solidarity is forming in the Western world, which, in addition to impressive symbolic acts, has also launched an incredible amount of concrete aid for Ukraine and the millions of Ukrainian refugees.
It is understandable that in this atmosphere there are also calls for a boycott of everything Russian, for Russian art and culture to be banned and for all people of Russian nationality to be declared enemies. We too have been approached with demands to disinvite our Russian speakers. While we have already sent a signal of solidarity with Ukraine at an early stage, we have, however, decided to stick to our program, which also highlights Russian dance history, and our speakers from Russia. Of course, this does not change our condemnation of Putin's war of aggression and our solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
As dance historians, we are used to looking at European history in its context. The fact that we are intensely concerned with the joyful side of dance in no way allows us to overlook or downplay the atrocities of war that can be found everywhere and in all centuries. We are also aware that the past 70 years of peace have been an extraordinary event in European history. Precisely for this reason, we are convinced that fueling the spiral of prejudice and hatred out of a sense of "having to do something after all" in the face of horrific events will not help the Ukrainian people in the short or long term and will only make the necessary return to peace more difficult.
When we developed the 2020 Symposium program three years ago, we were pleased to be able to include some contributions from Eastern Europe and Russia, cultural regions little known in Western Europe. The fact that these contributions are now being put in a new light by the invasion of Ukraine is not something we see as a reason to "clean up" our program, but rather as a motivation for a thorough examination of the diverse history and culture of Eastern Europe, which has often enough also been shaped by Western invasions.
It is our firm conviction that cultural, artistic (dance) and intellectual exchange has been an essential element of international understanding and peaceful coexistence over many centuries. Therefore, even and especially in these oppressive times, we want to hold on to this and welcome people from all regions with our conference and create connections beyond political divides in the common experience of our dance history. We would be delighted if as many dance researchers, dance makers and dancers as possible would support us on this path.
Herrsching, 8 May 2022:
Markus Lehner, Herrsching
Prof. em. Carol Marsh, USA,
Prof. em. Marie-Thérèse Mourey, France
Dr. Irene Brandenburg, Austria,
Dr. Anne Daye, Great Britain
(Scientific Committee of the Historical Dance Symposium 2022)
Phillip Fuhrmann, Rothenfels
(Bildungsreferent Burg Rothenfels am Main)
- Details
Information about Corona
(Status: 13 March 2022)
On this page we try to keep you informed about how the Corona pandemic will affect the organization of the meeting. Presumably there will be a significant improvement of the situation by June 2022, but a completely unaffected realization of the conference is unlikely.
End of March, many corona regulations are expected to be relaxed or lifted. This implies that the responsibility for one's own health and the health of others will once again lie increasingly with the individual. We ask you very much for appropriate consideration towards all involved.
Please inform yourself about the latest legal regulations. The information compiled here is for your orientation, but the organizer assumes no liability in this regard.
The castle's corona rules that will be in effect during the stay have not been determined at this time, but will be published here and on the castle's website in the weeks prior to the meeting.
Corona Checklist:
Preparations at home:
Sufficient vaccination protection?
- We strongly recommend a Corona vaccination, if necessary a timely booster vaccination is also useful. Vaccination is by far the best protection against infection and severe courses of the disease.
Corona test necessary?
- If there is no vaccination protection, a corona test may be necessary immediately before arrival.
Certificates at hand?
- According to today's regulations, proof of a complete vaccination protection, or of a Corona disease not longer than 3 months ago or of a current Corona test (certified antigen test, not older than 24h) must be presented upon arrival.
Arriving from abroad?
- Please be sure to check the current regulations for entry into Germany. Certificates of vaccination/recovered status or a current test may have to be presented.
- Caution. Currently some vaccines (e.g. Sputnik, Sinovac) are not accepted in the EU.
- Also inquire about re-entry into the home country. Tests or quarantine may be required there as well.
Stay at the castle:
Daily Corona self-tests:
-To enhance the safety of participants, we will conduct daily antigen self-testing during the meeting. Testing is mandatory for all participants regardless of vaccination or recovery status. Attendants will receive test kits upon arrival. It is their own responsibility to do the tests before breakfast each day.
- If a test is positive or if symptoms of illness occur during the stay, we unfortunately have to ask the person concerned to leave immediately. If it is not possible to leave during the day, an isolated accommodation unit will be provided for overnight stay.
Possible restrictions during the meeting:
- Depending on the development of the pandemic, the realization of the conference may be restricted by legal regulations. This possibly concerns a mask obligation in certain situations, limitation of the number of persons in the conference rooms, regular airing of the rooms, fixed seating at meals, allocation of certain shower rooms and toilets.
- Details
Information about Corona
(Status: 5 June 2022)
On this page we try to keep you informed about how the Corona pandemic will affect the organization of the meeting. Probably there will be a further improvement of the situation until June 2022, but a completely unaffected realization of the meeting is not very likely.
In the meantime, most Corona regulations have been lifted. This implies that the responsibility for one's own health and that of others is once again with the individual. We ask you very much for appropriate consideration towards all participants.
Please inform yourself about the latest legal regulations. The information compiled here is for your orientation, but the organizer assumes no liability in this regard.
Corona Checklist:
Preparations at home:
Sufficient vaccination protection?
We strongly recommend a Corona vaccination including a booster (three vaccinations). The vaccination is by far the best protection against infection and severe courses of disease.
Corona test before travel?
There is no longer an obligation to take a Covid test immediately before arriving at the castle, but this is very useful in order to largely exclude any risk to the other participants.
Regulations on the return journey?
Inquire also about the re-entry into the home country. Here tests or quarantine could be prescribed.
Arrival from EU countries?
According to current regulations, proof of a complete vaccination or of a Corona infection no longer than 3 months ago or of a current Corona test (certified antigen test or PCR test, not older than 48 hours) must be presented upon arrival.
Currently, no countries are considered high-risk or virus variant areas. Therefore, there is no need to fill out a digital entry application. However, please check this shortly before travel at https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de.
Attention. In Germany it is mandatory to wear FFP2/N95 masks in public transport (train, bus).
Arriving from outside the EU?
Attention, entry from almost all countries is currently only possible with complete Covid19 vaccination (two injections). Please be sure to check the current regulations for entry into Germany here.
Certificates of vaccination status must be presented.
Caution. Currently some vaccines (e.g. Sputnik, Sinovac) are not recognized in the EU.
Currently, no countries are considered high risk or virus variant areas. Therefore, there is no need to fill out a digital entry form. However, please check this shortly before travel at https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de.
Attention. In Germany it is mandatory to wear FFP2/N95 masks in public transport (train, bus).
Stay at the castle:
Daily Corona Self Tests:
To increase the safety of the participants, we plan to conduct daily antigen self-tests during the conference. Test kits will be given to participants and are their own responsibility to perform each day before breakfast.
Should a test be positive or should symptoms of illness occur during the stay, we unfortunately have to ask the person concerned to leave immediately. If it is not possible to leave on the same day, an isolated accommodation unit will be provided for overnight stay.
Other regulations:
Currently, masks (preferably FFP2/N95 masks) must be worn in all indoor spaces (except when dancing and at the dinner table).
The venues will be ventilated frequently. Please bring appropriate clothing to protect against drafts.
The maximum number of people in certain indoor rooms will be limited.
Return travel:
Mandatory testing before return?
Several countries require you to present a current negative Covid test upon re-entry. If you need an appropriate test, please contact the organization as soon as possible (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). On Sunday, only a few testing stations in the surrounding area will be open.
Back home:
Sick after the trip?
We hope that you are well protected with these precautions. However, should you fall ill with Corona within the first five days after returning home, please send a message to the organization (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- Details
The "Simultaneous Translation" Project
Over the years, the Symposium has been becoming constantly more international. For this reason, a large portion of the contributions are currently being given in English. For non-native speakers, this can be a great strain, particularly in the lectures.
We have therefore initiated the “simultaneous translation” project:
→ Simultaneous translation into German and English
For the first time, a simultaneous translator will be providing support during lectures. She will translate in both directions, so both English and German native speakers will benefit in the same way.
→ Reception on smart phones/radio
The voice of the translator will be transmitted in the lecture theatre via Wi-Fi. Conference participants can access the Wi-Fi on their smart phones using a free app. Participants will be given precise technical information in good time before the beginning of the Symposium. Please note: a headset/earphones are obligatory!
→ Realised thanks to the Dance & History e.V. and IHDP
The costs for the translator will be borne by the Dance & History e.V. and the "Institute for Historical Dance Practice", Belgium (director: Lieven Baert). Our heartiest thanks go to the two organisations!
- Details
Supplementary Call for Contributions
The Ball
Pleasure - Power - Politics
1600 - 1900
15 - 19 June 2022
Burg Rothenfels am Main, Germany
→ Download Call for Contributions
The symposium originally planned for 2020 has been postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic. We plan to keep the same topic with the same speakers as much as possible. Very few had to cancel their contribution, a few others are currently still unsure whether they will be able to attend the conference in 2022. Therefore, we would now like to start a supplementary call for contributions. Contributions are welcome in all categories. Submissions that we cannot consider, will be put on a waiting list in case further speakers will not be able to come.
The ball, an almost universal social phenomenon whether in palaces, assembly halls or private houses, has a multi-tude of historical facets. As its name suggests, the ball is dedicated to the pleasure of dancing in various forms and styles. A special, festively designed form of public engagement, it is also a setting for demonstrations of princely power, staged rituals, pains¬takingly controlled etiquette and meticulous self-presentation. Last not least, political and social developments, evolutions or revolutions, are reflected in the ballrooms of Europe.
The main theme of the symposium is the phenomenon of the ball across five centuries from 1400 to 1900. The following aspects might serve as an inspiration for lectures, workshops and other contributions.
- Forms of its organisation, from royal court balls, dance events for a broader public to house balls: procedure, places times and occasions, ball regulations, ceremonies and rituals, etiquette, costumes and masques, ...
- Participants: dancers, musicians, dance masters, organisers, ...
- Dance forms and repertoire: collective versus couple dances, evolution of dance forms, dance codes, ...
- Social and political influences: the ball in the Enlightenment, the political use of balls, ...
- The question of identity: national and regional varieties, imitations, fashions and characteristics, ...
- Its function: visualisation of a social hierarchy, demonstrations of princely power, bourgeois self-presenta-tion, erotic encounters, liberation of everyday live, ...
- Interactions between ballroom and stage: ball scenes on stage, stage dance in the ballroom, ...
- The ball and women: the ball as a wedding market, emancipation in the ballroom, ...
- The ball in theoretical treatises: praise and criticism in contemporary writings, ...
- The ball mirrored by the arts: ball scenes in literature, in music and painting.
In addition to furthering scholarly debate, the symposium aims to present the state of dance research today to dancers and dance enthusiasts. The symposium will offer a wide range of activities from lectures, workshops, demonstrations, evening dancing and a festive ball with live music, plus an exhibition of books and music.
The organisers welcome contributions not previously published. Papers will be published in proceedings available at the symposium.
Contribution categories:
Lectures: Length: 25 min, followed by approx. 10 min discussion.
The lectures can also include short dance demonstrations. A publication of the papers is planned and will already be available at the symposium.
Honorarium: 200.- Euro
Research results poster: max. 60 x 80 cm
Our exhibition of posters also enables a concise presentation of research results. The poster space specified above allows you to present, explain and discuss your research in text and illustration.
Honorarium: 50.- Euro
Workshops: Length: 90 min
Thematic coupling with a lecture is possible. As they are carried out in groups of approx. 20 - 40 people, each workshop is held three times. Working materials for the participants should be prepared in advance.
Honorarium: 200.- Euro
Short performances: Length: 15 - 30 min
This category enables you to present your artistic conceptions to a specialist audience.
Honorarium: Exemption from the conference fee (ca. 220.- Euro) for all performers.
Conducting evening dance classes: Length: 100 - 120 min
A programme of relatively simple, easily learned social dances from the 15th to the 19th
century. Each class will be offered twice, with half the conference participants attending each time. A live music group will be available for one of the classes; recordings must be used for the second class. The dances taught in these classes will serve as the basis for the final ball programme.
Honorarium: 200.- Euro
Payments and expenses:
Speakers and participants in the short performances are exempted from the conference fee. Unfortunately, it is not possible, besides the honorarium mentioned in each case above, to grant any further allowances on costs of accommodation or travel.
Conference language:
Presentations, workshops and dance evenings may be held in either German or English.
Deadline for proposals: 1 June 2021
Please submit a short summary (max. 1 page) of your planned contribution by 1 June 2021 to Markus Lehner by mail, fax, or email (see below). The programme committee will make its selection by 1 August 2021.
Programme committee:
Prof. Carol G. Marsh (musicologist, editor of "Musical Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV")
Prof. Marie-Thérèse Mourey (professsor em. of German philology at the Sorbonne University, Paris, numerous publications in the field of historical dance)
Dr. Irene Brandenburg (musicologist and dance scholar, director of the "Derra de Moroda Dance Archives", University of Salzburg)
Dr. Anne Daye (dance scholar and Director of Education and Research of the Historical Dance Society, London)
Markus Lehner (Author of „A manual of sixteenth-century Italian dance steps“)
Markus Lehner, Dance & History e.V.
Mühlfelder Str. 18b
82211 Herrsching
Fax: +49-8152-981509
Email: info[at]historical-dance-symposium.org
Conference site:
For decades, Rothenfels castle has served as a conference center, welcoming historical dance events in particular, and is therefore well known to many dancers and dance groups. Since the first Rothenfels Dance Symposium took place there in 2004, it has been its host. The oldest part of the castle, dating from the 12th century, provides a lovely atmospheric setting. The castle is situated directly on the river Main between Würzburg and Frankfurt, 7 km north of Marktheidenfeld.
- Details